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They Killed Her

They killed her!

The woman tortured all her life by those who were meant to care for her, they gave her no justice. They reinforced what her persecutors taught her from an early age, that her life was worthless; selling her innocent childhood into abuse, hate and disdain.

They executed her over night when most of the world was asleep. They got away with taking her life, scapegoating her for the evil that exits in society.

She admitted to strangling a pregnant woman; a deeply repugnant act and then removing the baby from the woman’s womb, a greater disturbing action; then kidnapping the baby claiming it was her own.

Shocking the world from its slumber there are so many unanswered questions, layers of injustice, tyranny and oppression that have to be brought into the light. We have to ask where justice and decency were when she was being tortured and trafficked.

Born with brain damage they say, it seems everyone let her down. She was shrugged off. Her silent screams unnoticed. Where were her family? What about her neighbours, her school, social services, people who had responsibility to notice her tormented and tortured life? Who heard her voice and saw her anguished soul?

Where was love?

Forced into sterilisation, she must have cried out for genuine affection, someone of her own to love, who would love her unconditionally. Her persecuted victimised soul broken by relentless cruelty, wanted to hold a life she could love without horror. How she must have longed for kind unadulterated tender attachments. How she would have obsessed over and been consumed by this longing. And how this must have controlled her every waking moment. How desperate she must have been to escape her own torturers, that she would destroy a life so that she could have what she had been denied. Reaching into the deepest well of depravity, filled by her carers sickness and abuse, she was the one who paid the ultimate price. And society continues in its contempt for her. Shame on us.

Where was her justice?

The Supreme Court of America could have shown her mercy. Instead it handed her the ultimate punishment. In her final hours they took her in shackles to a male prison, entered yet another torture chamber - (how many of those had she endured in her life?) - and in her silent terror they lethally injected her with a chemical cocktail that extinguished her miserable life.

What is served here?

Can this act of cruelty be called justice? Is it justice for her crimes or a package of draconian authority wrapped with hypocrisy and hatred, tied with a red bow. Who wins through this inhumane act of terror? What in the name of whose goodness does it serve? Vengeance is not justice. Vengeance is a counterstroke, evil for evil. And while we bring this evil into the light, let me say that the mother of all evil is now atoned for in this savage dehumanising revenge. It sickens me that hate has triumphed in her life; hate wins. Cruelty came first. Savagery triumphed. Satan ascended in the Supreme Court of In-Justice today, for he loathes mercy, grace and pity and today in this act of savage cruelty his kingdom reigns.

But what of love, grace and forgiveness?

In an embittered and divided society evil manifests and laughs in its face. It rejoices in the sacrifice of her life to the god of mammon, greed and depravity.

And what of Lisa M Montgomery?

Well, I like to think she is welcomed into the arms of Love and today receives the very beauty and acceptance that life denied her. For Love is the ultimate victory.

But the life and death of Lisa M Montgomery is without doubt a travesty.

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